MoPSeq-DB is a user-friendly bioinformatics web application designed for the visualisation of mollusc pathogen sequence data, with a primary focus on genome structure, variations and phylogeny. You can learn more about the design and usage of the web application in the Design tab.

Browse referenced data in MoPSeq-DB :

The platform is currently under development and primarily focuses on Ostreid herpesviruses (OsHV-1), Vibrio aestuarianus and Perkinsus olseni. As we continue to expand our database, more pathogens will be included in the near future, making it a comprehensive resource for a broader range of mollusc pathogen genomics research.
Join us in exploring MoPSeq-DB and leverage its interactive visualisations to enhance your understanding of mollusc pathogen genomics. Our mission is to contribute to the advancement of pathogen surveillance and diagnostics through this innovative web platform.

Source code, documentation and docker container are available in the MoPSeq-DB GitLab repository.

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The nucleotide sequences of pathogens are meticulously referenced with clean and
organized metadata, and they are readily visualised.
Users have the ability to download sequence data, annotation files,
and metadata files.
The platform also offers interactive visualisation of structure (GFF), variations (VCF), and pre-built phylogenetic tree files.
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Going further:

Upcoming features include support for automatic phylogenetic analysis, specifically the phylogenetic placement of user's sequences. Additionally, the platform will feature an automated submissions tool for new sequences, streamlining the process of adding and updating data.

Furthermore, users will benefit from visualising phylogeographic analyses through the integration of Nextstrain modules (Hadfield et al. Bioinformatics, 2018.), providing valuable insights into the geographic distribution and evolutionary history of pathogens.

These enhancements will further elevate the capabilities of MoPSeq-DB, making it a cutting-edge and comprehensive resource for researchers and practitioners in the field of mollusc pathogen genomics. We look forward to delivering these exciting features to the scientific community and advancing our collective understanding of pathogen surveillance and diagnostics.