There are no visualisations available for the following files:
- Variations file (VCF)
Phylogenetic tree is currently in construction.
*TBD : To Be Determined; NA : Non-applicable
- Sample name
- 00978-12
- Genbank accession number
- GCA_013115135.1
- Strain
- NA
- Isolate
- 00978-12
- Host
- Haliotis rubra
- Collection year
- 2012
- Collection date
- Unknown
- Country of origin
- Australia
- Localisation
- South Australia
- Latitude/Longitude
- Unknown
- Nature of coordinates
- Unknown
- Host stage
- Unknown
- Isolation source
- Unknown
- Pool/Individual
- Unknown
- Sample conservation method
- Unknown
- Sequencing technology
- Illumina and Oxford Nanopore Technologies
- Sequencer
- NextSeq and MinION
- Information on sequencing
- Expected final version : yes
- Number of reads
- Unknown
- Sequence coverage
- 552
- Sequence size (BP)
- 63092640
- Pathogen charge
- Unknown
- Assembly
- Flye v. 2.4
- Genome type
- Partial
- Structure
- Unknown
- Name of submitter
- Daniel Bogema
- Organization
- Publication DOI
- 10.1016/j.ygeno.2020.09.066
- Notes
- NA
- Number of contigs
- Unknown